
Burgess Hill School for Girls

Town: Burgess Hill.
County: West Sussex.
Area: South East.
Type: Girls, Full Boarding, Flexible Boarding and Day, Pre-Preparatory, Nursery, Preparatory, Junior, Senior and Sixth Form. Boarding from 11 years.
Age Range: 2½ to 18.
Religious Affiliation: No set Religion.
Special Diets: All dietary requirements catered for.
Scholarships and Bursaries: Scholarships - Entry into years 3,4,7, 9 and Lower Sixth. Some Bursaries available.
Entry Requirements: Examination,School reference and Interview. (Depends on age).

Facilities: Art & Design Centre, CDT Studio, Conference Facilities, Drama/Lecture Studio, Gymnasium, H E Centre, Learning Resources Centre, Music Centre, Sixth Form Centre, Sports Hall.

Activities: Chess, Choir, Computing/IT, Debating/Public Speaking, Drama/Theatre Studies, Duke of Edinburgh, Eco-school, Horse Riding, Jewellery Making, Orchestra/Band, Photography, Textiles, Trampolining, Young Enterprise.

Sports: Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Cricket, Cross Country, Football, Gymnastics, Hockey, Netball, Rounders, Rowing, Tennis, Volleyball.

If you would like more information,
please see the School's Own Web Site

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