
Hurtwood House School

Town: Dorking.
County: Surrey.
Area: South East.
Type: Co-educational, Senior, Boarding, Weekly/Flexible Boarding and Day.
Age Range: 16 to 19 years.
Special Diets: Most specialised diets can be catered for.
Scholarships and Bursaries: Art, Drama, Science/Maths.
Entry Requirements: Interview and References.

Facilities: All-weather Pitch, Gymnasium, Recording Studios, Sixth Form Centre, Television Studios, Theatre.

Activities: Ballet/Dance, Chess, Choir, Computing/IT, Debating/Public Speaking, Drama/Theatre Studies, Film/Video Club, Orchestra/Band, Outdoor Pursuits, Photography, Riding.

Sports: Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Cricket, Cross Country, Fitness Training, Football, Golf, Hockey, Lacrosse, Martial Arts, Netball, Rugby, Swimming, Table Tennis, Tennis, Volleyball.

"The only private boarding school specialising in the Sixth Form.
Top academics: top creative arts."

If you would like more information,
please visit the school's own Web Site

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